Project info

Platform: PC
Genre: Platformer
Players: 2

The team:
1 designer
2 programmers
5 artists
2 sound designers

The project was done under 48 hours as a contribution to the global game jam event. Later the game also attended the swedish game awards.

My contribution

Project leader

I was the project managaer and together with the team we came up with a plan on how to create the game in 48 hours. Since we had so little time I supervised the project and kept everyon on track. Also directing the focus to where it was needed.

Game testing

As the time went on an the project neared its completion I helped with alot of testing to make sure the game worked the way it was meant to.

How it's played

To win you must score more points then the other player, only the player that plays the monkey can score.

At random the game will switch positions for the players, this serves multiple purposes firstly both players will get the chanse to score, and secondly if the player constructing the level makes it to hard he might get caught in his own trap.

Copyright (c) Andreas Nilsson 2010 | nilsson_andreas@live.com